Arbortext Command Language > Commands > appsave
appsave [ -noprompt] [ -copydt] [ -copypacks] [ -pedata | -pecompare] [ -dirdir] [instance]
The appsave command saves all the document, stylesheet, and environment information necessary to reproduce a software problem. If you are using the Arbortext Publishing Engine for document publishing, the Arbortext Publishing Engine configuration information that Arbortext Editor is using will also be saved with the rest of the application information. This information helps PTC Technical Support diagnose any problems you may be having.
Included with the saved information will be a directory named \portable_doc. \portable_doc will contain all the files necessary to open a valid version of the current document. portable_doc will contain the following items:
A modified copy of the current document at the time the appsave command is executed. If the document is a DITA map, the map will be replaced with a preliminary resolved document (a single monolithic document with no external references). If the document is not a DITA map, its entity references, XML inclusions, and content references will be resolved.
A \portable_doc_files subdirectory containing images and other files referenced by the current document. References to these files in the modified current document will be updated to refer to the files in the portable_doc_files directory.
The appsave command parses the top level XSL stylesheet to gather all of the includes and imports and move them to directories under the main XSL stylesheet location. The process recurses into all imports and includes, and the href attributes in each xsl:include and xsl:import are modified according to new relative locations. All absolute paths are changed to relative paths and moved to directories under the main stylesheet. All includes and imports that require network access (such as http, https, and ftp) are left as is.
The appsave command has the following optional arguments:
-noprompt — Suppresses the dialog boxes related to the appsave process.
-copydt — Saves your custom DTD if it's installed someplace other than the Arbortext-path\doctypes directory or the Arbortext-path\custom\doctypes directory. Document types found in either of these directories are automatically included.
-copypacks — Saves all information and files associated with an installed Arbortext應用程式.
-dirdir — Specifies the directory where the information will be saved. If no directory is specified, the default will be appsave\architecture\doctypename.
instance — Specifies the document instance to use. If no instance is specified, the current document will be used.
-pedata — Transmits the current document to Arbortext Publishing Engine, which will open the document and generate an application save from the server. It will include the data requested from the choices for -copydt and -copypacks. The application save will be returned to Arbortext Editor and put into the directory specified by -dirdir.
This option is available when you are publishing documents using Arbortext Publishing Engine and you do not specify -pecompare.
-pecompare — Reports a comparison of the local workstation’s publishing configuration and the Arbortext Publishing Engine server’s configuration. This option is available when you are publishing documents using Arbortext Publishing Engine and you do not specify -pedata.
Related Topics
Contacting PTC Technical Support
Using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents