Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set stylesheetassociations
set stylesheetassociations
set stylesheetassociations= { on | off}
When the stylesheetassociations option is set to on, which is the default, the user can specify stylesheet associations, and the stylesheet associations are stored as processing instructions in a document when it is saved. It might be necessary to turn this option off at some sites due to SGML or XML applications that are broken by the presence of stylesheet association processing instructions before the document type declaration.
When the option is set to off, there is no user interface for specifying stylesheet associations, and files that are saved are written without stylesheet association processing instructions, which also removes any pre-existing processing instructions.
If a stylesheet association is specified when Arbortext Editor is using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing, only the stylesheet name is saved to the document. If a stylesheet of the same name exists on the Arbortext PE 伺服器, it will appear in the stylesheet list of selections for the print and publish dialog boxes with the (pe) notation.
Related Topics
set promptstylesheetassociations command
Associating a stylesheet with your document
Stylesheet association processing instruction
Using the Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents