Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set stylervalnestedpagesetsxslfo
set stylervalnestedpagesetsxslfo
set stylervalnestedpagesetsxslfo= { on | off}
The default value for this option is off. When set to on, Arbortext Styler requires strict XSL-FO compliance when validating page sets. Arbortext Styler is able to process nested XSL-FO page sets, so they are not reported as validation errors. However, if you plan to export your 樣式表 as XSL-FO and use it in another application, nested page sets are not strictly XSL-FO compliant. If you enable this option, Arbortext Styler reports nested XSL-FO page sets as validation errors. This option is disabled if you are using FOSI as your Arbortext Styler print engine.
This command corresponds to the Require XSL-FO Compliance check box in the Arbortext StylerValidate Page Sets dialog box.