Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set fmtthreshoverstretched
set fmtthreshoverstretched
set fmtthreshoverstretched= { min | med | max}
This command sets the threshold for determining an overstretched text formatting fault while formatting a document instance. The available options are:
min — Any overstretched text is considered a format fault.
med — (the default) Up to a medium stretch is not considered a fault.
max — No amount of stretch is considered a fault.
When this option is set for Arbortext Editor clients using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents, the setting is sent to the Arbortext PE 伺服器 with a publishing request and applied. After the request is fulfilled, the setting for this option on the server reverts to its last set value.
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set fmtfaultoverstretched command