文書型 > Porting Document Types > Porting a Document Type between Standalone PCs (PC Only)
Porting a Document Type between Standalone PCs (PC Only)
Use this method if a document type is installed on a PC (source) running Arbortext Editor and you want to make the document type available to other (target) PCs that have Arbortext Editor licenses, but no network connectivity.
Each target PC can run Arbortext Architect to reinstall the document type, but this is not efficient. Furthermore, Arbortext Architect licenses may not be available on each PC at your site. Therefore, the preferred method is to port the document type to each target PC. Porting consists of copying the document type installed under the current version from the source PC to the target PC, and then configuring Arbortext Editor on the target PC to access the document type.
To port a document type between standalone PCs:
1. Verify that the catalog path on the target PC points to the user's document types. The catalog path can be set the same as it is on the PC that installed the document type.
2. Copy the catalog file from the source PC if there is no user catalog file in the target doctypes directory. If there already is a catalog file in the user's doctypes directory, append the entries needed for that document type to the existing user catalog file (on the target PC).
3. Recommended - create a subdirectory for the added document type in the user's doctypes directory on the target PC.
4. Copy all the document type files from the source PC's doctypes directory to the new doctypes directory on the target PC.
5. Optionally copy the document instance file (if there is one) from the source PC.