管理 > Preview, Print, and Publishing Configuration > Managing the URL Cache
Managing the URL Cache
There are a number of structures within document instances, document type definitions or stylesheets that may be referenced externally. URL references most likely retrieval from some remote system. To prevent Arbortext Editor from repeatedly downloading URL references, Arbortext Editor stores data referenced by URL in a cache.
The URL cache is stored in the cache directory within the aptcache directory. The default directory is typically C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\PTC\Arbortext\Editor\.aptcache.
If you set the APTCACHE environment variable to move the default location of the cache for publishing output, Arbortext Editor will store the URL cache in your specified location.
URL references are downloaded once per Arbortext Editor session. If you would like to clear your URL cache (or a specific file within the cache), you can use the http_cache_flush function.