Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set libpath
set libpath
set libpath=dir1 [:dirn]
This command specifies a search path for shared modules, formatting files, and font configuration files. The default path is Arbortext パス\lib. If you are running in a supported locale, the default path also includes the appropriate subdirectory of Arbortext パス\lib\locale.
Each directory specified must be separated by a semicolon. You can specify the %D, %H, or %Lsymbolic parameters in the path list to include the default search path.
If an Arbortext パス\custom\lib subdirectory exists at startup, the custom\lib path is automatically prepended to the path. If you are running in a supported locale, the default path also includes the associated locale subdirectory of Arbortext パス\lib\locale.
Putting your custom shared modules, formatting files, and font configuration files in the \custom\lib directory or one of its Arbortext パス\lib\locale subdirectories makes them automatically available, avoiding manual steps to add them to the path.
set libpath="c:\mylib;%D"
Related Topics
option_path_list function