Arbortext Command Language > Hooks > adapterstatehook
ret = hook(op, adapterid, arr[])
You register this hook using add_hook to receive information about state changes from a repository adapter. The op argument is an operation code that indicates one of the following notifications:
1 — Repository adapter session connected
2 — Repository adapter session disconnected
3 — Repository adapter to give up user interface control
This operation usually follows an adapter results available (4) operation and indicates that input focus should be taken.
4 — Additional repository adapter results are available
The adapterid argument is the identifier for the repository adapter. The arr[] argument is the name of an array of returned state information. It is currently only used for an adapter results available (4) operation and contains a list of Logical IDs that are selected in the repository adapter Browser.
The hook returns a return code ret with one of the following values:
1 — The operation completed successfully
0 — The operation was ignored
-1 — The operation returned an error
Related Topics
add_hook function