A propos d'Arbortext Styler > Creating Headers and Footers > Adding Page Numbers to Headers and Footers > Compound Page Numbers
Compound Page Numbers
Example: Creating Compound Page Numbers in a Header
The example given below adds a compound page number to a header region. The number will take the form of the chapter number, followed by the number of the page within the chapter, e.g. 1–1, 1–2, etc. The example assumes that a page set has already been assigned to format the chapters in your document.
1. In the Generated Contents list The Generated Contents list icon - a text box containing lines of text, create a new Generated Content object and name it cmpdnumbered-header.
Refer to Adding Content to a Header or Footer for an example of how to create content for a header or footer.
2. Highlight cmpdnumbered-header then click the Edit button in the properties area to open the Generated Text Editor. Place your cursor in the middle cell of the header table, then choose Insert > Page Number. Arbortext Styler will add the object FormattedPageNumber into the cell.
3. Choose File > Apply and Close to save the change and exit the Generated Text Editor. You will see that the read only field in the properties area of the Generated Contents list describes the generated text settings you have made for your header.
4. Assign the Generated Content object cmpdnumbered-header to the page region representing your header.
5. If you have not already done so, assign the page region representing your header to the page type representing the layout of the pages that should display your header.
6. Assign the page type to the page set that formats chapters, if you have not already done so.
7. Still in the Page Sets list, open the Page numbers category for the page set that will format chapters.
8. Click the Edit button to edit the Format field. Arbortext Styler opens the Page Number Format editor.
9. Place your cursor before the number object that already appears in the editor, then choose the Insert > Page Set Starting Division Number menu option. Arbortext Styler inserts an icon with the section symbol, §, to represent the division number.
10. Type a dash (-) between the division number and page number symbols.
This is an image of the division and page number symbols separated by a dash
11. Choose Preview > Print.
In the Print Preview window, note that compound page numbers display in the headers of each chapter.