Types de documents > Porting Document Types > Importing a DTD
Importing a DTD
You can create a new document type definition (DTD) by importing a DTD from a source other than Arbortext Editor.
To import a DTD:
1. If your DTD includes entities that will reside in an entities directory, copy the entities to this directory before you import the DTD. If entities will reside in the document directory, rather than the entities directory, you must copy them after you import the DTD.
2. Open Arbortext Architect.
3. Choose File > Import.
4. Type a file name for the new document type in the New document type name field. This will also generate a subdirectory of the same name within the working directory
5. Enter the path and file name of the DTD you want to import in the Imported DTD pathname field. For example, chemin-Arbortext\custom\doctypes\book\book.dtd.
6. If the DTD includes entities, enter the path to the entities directory in the DTD Entities path field. This updates the catalog path to include the entities path. This step is optional.
7. Specify the path to the SGML Declaration for SGML document types in the SGML Declaration pathname field. This step is optional.
Leave this field empty if you are compiling an XML document type. In Arbortext Editor, XML documents are compiled using predefined SGML Declaration values.
8. If you want to associate an SGML or XML document with the DTD, enter its path and file name in the Instance pathname field. This step is optional.
9. If you want to associate a FOSI file (.fos) with the DTD, enter its path and file name in the FOSI pathname field. This step is optional.
If the DTD has more than one stylesheet associated with it, you must copy the other stylesheets to the document directory after the import process is complete.
10. If you want to associate a .dcf file with the DTD, enter its path and file name in the DCF pathname field. This step is optional.
11. Click OK.
12. Click OK in the Assign Public ID dialog box to open an expanded version of this dialog box.
13. Add the following information in the expanded Assign Public ID dialog box
Owner ID — Identify the owner of the document type. There are three kinds of owner IDs:
Owner ID Type
Registered Owner ID
+//Organization or Registry
Unregistered Owner ID
ISO Owner ID (identifies an ISO publication)
ISO 8879:1986
Public Text Description — Provide a short description of the document type.
Public Text Language — Identify the native language of the document type using two uppercase characters. For example, type EN to specify English.
Click OK.
14. If there is no top-level tag, you will be asked to supply one. Type the name of the DTD's top-level tag, and then click OK.
15. A minimal document type is created, which you can customize or accept as is. Click OK to accept the minimal document type.
Click Customize to customize your document type.
16. If want your DTD entities to reside in the document directory, copy them to this directory now.
17. If your DTD has more than one stylesheet associated with it, copy them to the document directory.
18. If you have copied entities or stylesheets into the document directory, you must recompile the document (Compile > Compile Document Type).