Types de documents > Creating a Document Type Definition (DTD) > Creating a New DTD
Creating a New DTD
If you do not have an existing DTD, or your existing DTD is significantly different from the one you want to create, you can write one using Arbortext Architect.
To have your custom document type automatically available at startup, save it in the chemin-Arbortext\custom\doctypes directory.
1. Open Arbortext Architect.
2. Choose File > New.
3. Enter the path for the new document type including the name of the DTD. For example, on Windows you would type chemin-Arbortext\custom\doctypes\refman, where refman is the same name as the DTD.
4. Select XML or SGML as the Application Type, and then click OK.
5. Click OK in the Assign Public ID dialog box to open an expanded version of this dialog box.
6. Add the following information in the expanded Assign Public ID dialog box
Owner ID — Identify the owner of the document type. There are three kinds of owner ID:
Owner ID type
Registered Owner ID
+//Organization or Registry
Unregistered Owner ID
ISO Owner ID (identifies an ISO publication)
ISO 8879:1986
Public Text Description — Provide a short description of the document type.
Public Text Language — Identify the native language of the document type using two uppercase characters. For example, type EN to specify English.
Click OK.
7. Enter the top-level tag for the document type. By default, this field is filled in with a tag name that matches the name of the document type.
8. Click OK.
9. After Arbortext Architect finishes creating the document type, choose Edit > DTD.
Arbortext Architect opens the text-based DTD Editor.
10. Use the DTD Editor to create your DTD.