Types de documents > DITA .dcf Settings > Specifying the Document Types Displayed in the Resource Manager
Specifying the Document Types Displayed in the Resource Manager
You can use the .dcf file to configure the document types to display in the New Topic tab of the Resource Manager and also in the Insert Relationship Table dialog box. You can specify a description to display for the document type in the New Topic tab. You can also specify a sample and template file for the document type.
To display a document type in the Resource Manager:
1. Open Arbortext Architect.
2. Choose File > Open.
3. Locate the directory in which the document type whose .dcf file you want to modify is saved, and click Select.
4. Once the document type is loaded, choose Edit > DCF.
If the document type has a .dcf file, it displays in the Arbortext ArchitectDCF Editor window. If there is no .dcf file associated with this document type, Arbortext Architect automatically creates one.
5. Locate the NewTopicDialog element in the DCF Editor. If the file doesn't include a NewTopicDialog element, add one.
Open the Document Type Viewer (Tools > Document Type Viewer) to view the element hierarchy for the .dcf file. This will help you determine the valid location for the NewTopicDialog element.
6. Place your cursor next to the NewTopicDialog element, choose Insert > Markup, and then choose NewTopic.
7. Click next to the NewTopic element to open the Modify Attributes dialog box.
You must have the Force Required Attributes EntryEdit preference selected for this dialog box to open automatically.
8. Enter a name for the document type in the description field.
This name displays in the Document Type list in the New Topic tab.
9. Enter the document type identifier in the doctype field.
For example, you would enter the following identifier for the DITA Concept document type:
The document types you enter in this field also determine which document types are available for selection in the Column Specification section of the Insert Relationship Table dialog box.
10. Enter the path to the sample file in the sampleFile field.
This step is optional. You can enter either a full or relative path. Users can access this file by selecting the Sample option for the document type in the New Topic tab.
11. Enter the path to the template file in the templateFile field.
This step is optional. You can enter either a full or relative path. A template file is a tagged document containing elements that are normally required in a document using that document type. This file is used when a user creates a new, empty document.
12. Enter the name of a category for the sample and template files in the title field.
This step is optional. This value is used to organize the display of sample and template files by category in the New dialog box. Category names can be a single name or a category and subcategory separated by a forward slash ( / ).
13. Click OK.
14. Repeat the previous steps (starting with the step in which you insert a NewTopic element) to configure additional document types to display in the Resource Manager.
15. Choose File > Save to save the changes you have made to the .dcf file.