Types de documents > Creating Aliases > Specifying a Default Alias Map for a Document Type
Specifying a Default Alias Map for a Document Type
Once you create an alias map, you can apply it each time you open a document. If you do not want to manually select an alias map each time you open a document, you can specify a default alias map.
To specify a default alias map for a document type:
1. Open Arbortext Editor or a text editor.
2. Open the instance.acl file. This file should be located in the same directory as the document type.
3. Add the following line to the instance.acl file:
set aliasmap=aliasmapname
where aliasmapname is the name of the alias map. You do not need to add the .alias extension, as Arbortext Editor appends it to the aliasmapname.
4. Save and close the instance.acl file.
The next time you open a document based on this document type, the alias map you specified will already be applied.