Startup commands and options
Use the Arbortext Editor software executable editor.exe to invoke Arbortext Editor.
The command line arguments follow:
-architect-sample-new-ndoctype-stylesheetname-catalogname-cc-nocc-r-u-C1"command list"-C2"command list"-nocmd-cmd-q-h-v'previewargs'winargs-geometryWxH+X+Y-newinstance-singleinstance-RegServer-UnregServer-UnregAnyServerArbortext Editor-js-nohcdocnamedocname2docname3...
• -architect — Invokes Arbortext Architect. This argument is not available in the compact installation of Arbortext Editor.
• -c "command list" — Executes the specified Arbortext Editor commands on each document specified by docname (and each additional specified docname) (for example, editor –c "check_completeness" bigbook) without reading the document docname.acl file and starting Arbortext Editor.
Several commands may be specified in the list, but they must be separated by semicolons. Arbortext Editor processes the command list and automatically exits when it's finished. You can use the -b option as an argument.
Note that when you run Arbortext Editor with the -c option, any applications in the custom directory's editinit subdirectory are not executed at startup.
• -b — Suppresses all prompts and confirmation messages when running in batch mode using the -c option. The program exit code will be set to one of the following values.
Exit codes
command failed
program aborted due to software error
program aborted with an assert failure
unable to obtain a license
the specified document was locked by another user
a prompt was necessary, for example, to request confirmation to overwrite a file
100+ n
Arbortext Editor terminated due to signal, n is the signal number
• -C1"command list" — Executes the specified Arbortext Editor commands after reading the system _main.acl command file but before reading any user APTRC file or document docname.acl file (for example, editor -C1 "source myapp.acl").
• -C2"command list" — Executes the specified Arbortext Editor commands on docname (and each additional specified docname) after reading the system _main.acl command file and after reading any user startup file (for example, APTRC) or document docname.acl file (for example editor -C2 "set showattrs=off" bigbook). -C2 may be abbreviated to -C.
• -cc — Forces a completeness check of docname if docname was created with Arbortext Editor. (By default, a completeness check will not be done upon startup if the document was saved by Arbortext Editor.) This option is recommended when opening documents that were created in Arbortext Editor but were later edited elsewhere and may no longer be normalized or complete.
• -catalogname — Specifies the name of a directory containing an interchange catalog, which provides the document entity to be edited if no docname is specified. name is prepended to the current set catalogpath option if it's not already present. If the interchange catalog specifies a FOSI for the document entity, this FOSI is used for the Edit window unless the -stylesheet option is supplied.
• -cmd — Enables the Arbortext Editor command line in the Edit window, which is off by default.
• -stylesheetname — Specifies that a different stylesheet be used for the Edit pane of the document instead of the default associated with the document type. name is either the path name of a .fos or .xsl file or the base name of the stylesheet file. In the latter case, the file name.fos or name.xsl is loaded from the document path or document type directory.
• -h — Displays a usage message with all options listed, including window system-specific ones.
• -js — Initializes the embedded JavaScript interpreter when Arbortext Editor starts. By default, JavaScript is not initialized until the first JavaScript code is executed. Initializing JavaScript also starts the JVM, so the -jvm option is implied if -js is given.
• -nojvm — Does not initialize the embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM) when Arbortext Editor starts. By default, the JVM is initialized when Arbortext Editor starts.
• -loglogfile — Causes Arbortext Editor to append error messages to the specified logfile path name if Arbortext Editor is running without windows (that is, the -c option is specified). These messages are otherwise displayed in a popup dialog box.
• -ndoctype — Supplies a document type for a new document. If the document type name contains blanks, the name must be enclosed in quotes. The document type name must be typed exactly as it appears on the Type list in the New Document dialog box; case is significant. You must supply a document name unless you specify a -sample document.
editor –n Book -sample
editor -n "Arbortext MIL-M-38784C" mydoc
• -new — Opens the New Document dialog box. If -sample is also specified, the Sample button is preselected. If -ndoctype is also specified, a new document of the specified type is opened without displaying the New Document dialog box.
• -newinstance — Makes it possible to run simultaneous sessions of Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Architect (assuming adequate licensing). To do this, the startup command must include the -newinstance parameter.
editor -newinstance
editor -architect -newinstance
-newinstance can be included whether or not you intend to bring up other applications.
Double-clicking on additional .sgm or .xml files opens new windows in the current Arbortext Editor session.
• -nocc — Causes Arbortext Editor to not do a completeness check when starting up docname. In this case, the file must be fully normalized.
• -nocmd — Suppresses the command line in Edit windows (overriding the Preferences file setting).
• -nohc — Suppresses the startup of the Arbortext Help Center when Arbortext Editor first starts. If -nohc is specified, Help Center will be started when the user first opens any online documentation. If -nohc is not specified, the Arbortext Help Center starts as a background task when Arbortext Editor starts. Early startup permits the Help Center to be displayed more quickly when the user first opens the Help Center.
• -q — Causes Arbortext Editor to start without reading the user's startup file (for example, APTRC).
• -r — Causes Arbortext Editor to open any document opened during that session as read-only.
• -sample — Brings up the New Document dialog box with the Sample option preselected.
• -singleinstance — Prevents Arbortext Editor from opening a new session when there is already a current session running and the current session cannot respond for some reason. For example, if the current session is busy, has a dialog box open, and so forth. In this case, Arbortext Editor presents a message dialog box and terminates the new session when you close the dialog box.
• -u — Forces Arbortext Editor to treat the file as an untagged ASCII file. Any markup will not be interpreted as Arbortext Editor tags.
• -RegServer — Opens the Windows registry and registers this copy of Arbortext Editor as a COM server. If a different copy of Arbortext Editor was previously registered, its entry is erased and replaced by the new entry. After the registry entry is made, Arbortext Editor exits. No other options are processed if this option is supplied. Note that by default Arbortext Editor checks at startup to see whether it is registered as a COM server and performs that registration if needed, so this option is generally not necessary.
• -UnregServer — Opens the Windows registry and checks to see if the currently registered Arbortext Editor COM server matches itself. If it does match, the Arbortext Editor COM server registry entry is removed. If it does not match, the registry is closed untouched. After the registry is checked and, if necessary, changed, Arbortext Editor exits. No other options are processed if this option is supplied.
• -UnregAnyServer — Opens the Windows registry and removes the entry for the Arbortext Editor COM server. After the registry is changed, Arbortext Editor exits. No other options are processed if this option is supplied.
• winargs-geometryWxH+X+Y — Specifies the geometry of the main window. Either width and height must be specified or x and y values must be specified, or both. If x and y values are not specified, Windows determines how the window is positioned. Negative values for x are relative to the right side of the screen; for y, to the bottom.
If you are using the -c option, winargs-geometry cannot be used because those options do not open the Edit window.
• -v "previewargs" — Passes any valid window arguments to the Print Preview window. Arguments must be inside quotes; multiple arguments must be separated by semicolons. The options most likely to be passed are the window system options that would determine the size and position of the Print Preview window. For example:
-v "-geometry 300x300"
The argument "-geometry 300x300" causes the Print Preview window to open with a default size of 300 x 300 pixels. This argument is not available in the compact installation of Arbortext Editor.
• docname — The name of one or more documents to open upon startup. Each document is opened in a separate window.