Administration > Stylesheets > Adding Custom Stylesheets to Print and Publish Dialog Boxes
Adding Custom Stylesheets to Print and Publish Dialog Boxes
You can make specific stylesheets available in the print and publish dialog boxes by assigning appropriate publishing types and saving the stylesheets to the document or document type directories.
You can also use the stylesheet_list_add function to add stylesheets to print and publish dialog boxes.
To add custom stylesheets to print and publish dialog boxes:
1. For Arbortext Styler stylesheets, choose Styler > Edit Stylesheet, and then choose File > Stylesheet Properties in Arbortext Styler.
For FOSI stylesheets, choose Format > Edit FOSI Tagged View, and then choose Edit > Stylesheet ID.
2. Specify a name for the stylesheet in the Title field. This name displays in the dialog boxes associated with the publishing types you select.
3. Choose the publishing types for which the stylesheet can be used. These types determine the dialog boxes to which your stylesheet is added:
Print/PDF stylesheets are added to the Print, Preview, and Publish to PDF File dialog boxes.
EPUB stylesheets are added to the Publish for EPUB dialog boxes.
HTML File stylesheets are added to the Publish to HTML File dialog box.
HTML Help stylesheets are added to the Publish for HTML Help dialog box.
Web stylesheets are added to the Publish for Web dialog box.
RTF stylesheets are added to the Publish to RTF dialog box.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
5. Choose File > Save Stylesheet As to save your stylesheet.
You can save it in the document or document type directory.
The stylesheet file also can be saved in a custom\doctypes\doctype directory. If the document type file set exists elsewhere, the custom\doctypes\doctype directory name must be the same as the base document type name, to enable Arbortext Editor et Arbortext Publishing Engine to locate all associated document type files. For example, you could create a stylesheet for the built-in document type ATI XML Docbook axdocbook, and then put it in chemin-Arbortext\custom\doctypes\axdocbook to add it to the stylesheet list.
If you are using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing, the stylesheet list for Arbortext Editor users offers stylesheets available from the Serveur Arbortext PE (using (pe) notation) or by URL. If a stylesheet is specified using a path, the path is ignored and only the stylesheet name is used to find a match.