Administration > Customizing Character Sets > Associating Fonts with Character Sets for Display
Associating Fonts with Character Sets for Display
You can configure a system font for a character set so Arbortext Editor can recognize it.
1. Copy the default file chemin-Arbortext\lib\ See the comments in the file for more information.
2. Add an entry to the new file associating the system font with the character set following this format:
character set name=font name
character set name to the left of the equal sign specifies the character set name as defined on the charset: line in the character set's .cf file
the font name to the right of the equal sign is the associated system font name
In the following example, the entry Marlett=Marlett shows that the character set and font have the same name. This is not always the case.
win_1251=Helvetica Cyr Upright
win_1250=Courier CE
3. Save and close the file.
If you want to make a custom file automatically available, use the chemin-Arbortext\custom\lib directory to load it automatically upon startup (avoiding the need to set an environment variable). If you create a custom file for a particular locale, you can put it the appropriate subdirectory of chemin-Arbortext\custom\lib\locale.