Guide du programmeur > Programming and Scripting Techniques > Events > Event Types > UIEvent Module
UIEvent Module
The W3C UIEvent module has the following event types:
The DOMFocusIn event occurs when an EventTarget receives focus, for instance by a pointing device being moved onto an element or by tabbing navigation to the element. Unlike the HTML event focus, DOMFocusIn can be applied to any focusable EventTarget, not just FORM controls.
Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: No
Context Info: None
The DOMFocusOut event occurs when an EventTarget loses focus, for instance by a pointing device being moved out of an element or by tabbing navigation out of the element. Unlike the HTML event blur, DOMFocusOut can be applied to any focusable EventTarget , not just FORM controls.
Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: No
Context Info: None
The activate event occurs when an element is activated, for instance, through a mouse click or a key press. A numerical argument is provided to give an indication of the type of activation that occurs: 1 for a simple activation (for example, a simple click or Enter), 2 for hyperactivation (for example, a double click or ShiftEnter).
Bubbles: Yes
Cancelable: Yes
Context Info: detail (the numerical value)