Guide du programmeur > Programming and Scripting Techniques > Line Numbering in Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine > Line numbering application building reference > The atipl layout markup > The commonattr entity in the layout.dtd > startspan and endspan
startspan and endspan
<!ELEMENT atipl:startspan EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST atipl:startspan
%commonattrs; >
<!ELEMENT atipl:endspan EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST atipl:endspan
%commonattrs; >
The start and end of a spanned column are specified by the startspan and endspan markup. For example, a page that contains two columns of text followed by a page wide table will consist of two spans. The span number, which is reset on every page, is indicated by the attribute number. The number of columns is indicated by columns.