Guide du programmeur > Programming and Scripting Techniques > Line Numbering in Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine > Line numbering application building reference > The atipl layout markup > The commonattr entity in the layout.dtd > startpage and endpage
startpage and endpage
<!ELEMENT atipl:startpage EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST atipl:startpage
%commonattrs; >
<!ELEMENT atipl:endpage EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST atipl:endpage
%commonattrs; >
The startpage markup indicates the start of a page, as determined by Arbortext Editor's formatting engine. The number attribute gives the sequential page number.
A folio may be set for the attr1 attribute. It will appear as part of the line number in the format: folio,\-\,lineno.
The type of page break to force is controlled by the attr2 attribute. Valid values are next, verso, and recto. The default is to not force a page break.
The endpage markup specifies the end of a page. If the attr2 attribute is set to the fill, then underfull errors are not reported for this page and the page is not stretched if it is short.