Guide du programmeur > Using the AOM > Using JScript to Access the AOM > JScript with ACL > Passing Arrays Between JavaScript and ACL
Passing Arrays Between JavaScript and ACL
There are two ways to pass arrays between JScript and ACL, both involving the conversion of arrays to strings. The first method uses the JScript Array.join method to convert the JScript array to a string that is passed to the ACL split function.
For example, the JScript code
var jsArr = [1, 2, 3];
Acl.eval("split('" + jsArr.join() + "', aclArr, ',')");
converts the JScript array jsArr to the ACL array aclArr.
ACL arrays normally start at index 1, which is the same as JavaScript index 0.
The second method uses a loop to pass the array, element by element. The Acl.eval call in the previous example can be rewritten as:
for (var i = 0; i < jsArr.length; i++) {
var ai = i + 1;
Acl.eval("aclArr[" + ai + "] = '" + jsArr[i] + "'");
This method is slower, but isn't subject to the ACL string token limit of 4096 characters.
Similarly, there are two ways to retrieve an ACL array from JScript. The first method uses the ACL join function to concatenate the ACL array into a string that initializes a JScript array. For example, you can use the following ACL code to pass the ACL array created above to JScript:
javascript("var jsArr = [" . join(aclArr) . "]");
This method is not limited by the ACL string token limit.
You can also use a loop to retrieve the array, element by element, as shown in the following JScript example:
var count = parseInt(Acl.eval("count(aclArr)"));
var lowBound = parseInt(Acl.eval("low_bound(aclArr)"));
var jsArr = new Array(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var ai = lowBound + i;
jsArr[i] = Acl.eval("aclArr[" + ai + "]");
This method translates the arbitrary array index bounds in an ACL array to the zero-based array index in JScript. It also uses the parseInt method to convert the Java string returned by Acl.eval into a JScript number.
Associative arrays
The previous examples concern normal numeric indexed arrays. You can use equivalent techniques to pass associative arrays using for/in loops instead of the for loops as above. The following JScript example passes an associative array to ACL:
var jsAssoc = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3};
for (var i in jsAssoc) {
Acl.eval("aclAssoc['" + i + "']='" + jsAssoc[i] + "'");
You can pass an ACL associative array to JScript using the ACL join function or an ACL for/in loop similar to the JScript example. The following ACL example shows the join technique to declare a JScript array using object literal syntax:
javascript("var jsAssoc={" . join(aclAssoc,',',1) . "}")
The ACL join function also works for associative arrays, and produces a result that can be used to initialize a JavaScript associative array object as in the previous example.