Guide du programmeur > Using the AOM > Using JavaScript to Access the AOM > JavaScript Interface Error Handling > Exception Handling
Exception Handling
JavaScript provides exception handling with try/catch statements. Since JavaScript is implemented using the Java interface, it supports all the DOM and AOM exception classes summarized in Java Interface Exceptions and defined in Interface Overview. Most exception classes define a numeric error code attribute named code and message attribute named message. The symbolic names for the error codes listed with each exception interface description are available for the global exception objects listed in JavaScript Global Objects. For example,
try {
node.insertBefore(newNode, refNode);
catch (e) {
if (e.code == DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR) {
Application.alert("Document is read only");
else {
Application.alert("Error: " + e.code +
" Message: " + e.message);