Guide du programmeur > Programming and Scripting Techniques > Events > Event Modules and Domains
Event Modules and Domains
The DOM Level 2 Events specification allows an application to support multiple modules of events. Arbortext Editor and the Arbortext Publishing Engine support all of the DOM Level 2 event modules except HTMLEvents. In addition, Arbortext Editor and the Arbortext Publishing Engine add several application-specific event modules and further divide the event modules into the following event domains: CMSObject, CMSSession, CMSAdapter, Document, and Window.
The Document domain includes those events created by the createEvent method of the DocumentEvent interface and used by the EventTarget interface as implemented by the Node interface and its subclasses. The Document domain includes the DOM Level 2 Event modules UIEvents, MouseEvents, and MutationEvents, as well as the Arbortext-specific AEditEvent module. The AEditEvent module defines several event types used to notify programmers of important document operations that are not covered by DOM events.
The Window domain includes those events created by the createEvent method of the Window interface and used by the EventTarget interface as implemented by the Component interface and its subclasses. The Window domain includes the WindowEvents, MenuEvents and ControlEvents modules.
The CMSSession domain includes those events associated with CMS sessions. The target of all events in this domain is a CMSSession. The events in this domain bubble in the following order:
1. CMSSession
2. Associated CMSAdapter
3. Application
An EventListener may be established on any of these targets.
The CMSObject domain includes those events associated with CMS objects. The target of all events in this domain is a CMSObject. The events in this domain bubble in the following order:
1. CMSObject
2. Associated Document (if any). There may be no associated document, for example, if the object has no associated nodes (such as an object representing a folder in the repository).
3. Associated CMSSession
4. Associated CMSAdapter
5. Application
An EventListener may be established on any of these targets.
The CMSAdapter domain includes those events associated with CMS adapters. The target of all events in this domain is a CMSAdapter. The events in this domain bubble in the following order:
1. CMSAdapter
2. Application
An EventListener may be established on both of these targets.
The AEvent interface is the Arbortext extension to the W3C Event interface which adds two attributes to determine the domain and module of the event:
domain — returns a constant identifying the event domain
moduleType — returns a constant identifying the event module
The following event modules are supported. The module name listed is the feature string to pass as the eventType parameter to the appropriate createEvent method.
Events associated with user interaction with a mouse or keyboard.
Domain: Document
Events associated with mouse input devices.
Domain: Document
Events associated with actions that modify the structure of the document.
Domain: Document
Events associated with high level editing operations.
Domain: Document
Events associated with changes in the state of Window objects.
Domain: Window
Events associated with MenuItem objects.
Domain: Window
Events associated with XUI control objects. These are not currently exposed through the AOM.
Domain: Window
Events associated with CMS objects.
Domain: CMSObject
Events associated with construct operations for existing CMS objects.
Domain: CMSSession
Events associated with creating new CMS objects.
Domain: CMSSession
Events associated with file-related CMS session operations.
Domain: CMSSession
Events associated with burst-related CMS session operations.
Domain: CMSSession
Events associated with CMS session disconnection operations.
Domain: CMSSession
Events associated with CMS adapter connection operations.
Domain: CMSAdapter
Events associated with CMS adapter disconnection operations.
Domain: CMSAdapter
The DLMEvent module supports events associated with the Dynamic Link Manager. It is a Java-only implementation that is documented in the Javadoc available in the Arbortext Editor Help Center.