Guide du programmeur > Interfaces > W3C ElementEditVAL interface
W3C ElementEditVAL interface
The ElementEditVAL interface is defined in the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Validation Specification. (Refer to
This interface extends the NodeEditVAL interface with additional methods for guided document editing. An object implementing this interface must also implement the Element interface.
This interface also has attributes that are a NameList of elements or attributes which can appear in the specified context. Some schema languages, i.e., W3C XML schema, define wildcards which provide for validation of attribute and element information items dependent on their namespace names but independent of their local names.
To expose wildcards, the NameList returns the values that represent the namespace constraint:
{namespaceURI, name} is {null, ##any} if any;
{namespaceURI, name} is {namespace_a, ##other} if not and a namespace name (namespace_a);
{namespaceURI, name} is {null, ##other} if not and absent;
Pairs of {namespaceURI, name} with values {a_namespaceURI | null, null} if a set whose members are either namespace names or absent.