Guide du programmeur > Interfaces > W3C DOMConfiguration interface > setParameter method
setParameter method
This DOM Level 3 method is defined, but is currently unimplemented by Arbortext Editor.
Set the value of a parameter.
setParameter(name, value)
The name of the parameter to set.
The new value or null if the user wishes to unset the parameter. While the type of the value parameter is defined as DOMUserData, the object type must match the type defined by the definition of the parameter. For example, if the parameter is "error-handler", the value must be of type DOMErrorHandler.
Should we allow implementations to raise exception if the type does not match? INVALID_ACCESS_ERR seems the closest exception code...
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised when the parameter name is recognized but the requested value cannot be set.
NOT_FOUND_ERR: Raised when the parameter name is not recognized.