Guide du programmeur > Interfaces > CMSSession interface > createEvent method
createEvent method
Creates a CMSSession event.
createEvent(eventType )
Specifies the type of Event interface to be created. The only event module supported by this method is "CMSSessionEvents".
If the Event is to be dispatched with the dispatchEvent method, the appropriate event init method must be called after creation in order to initialize the Event's values. As an example, a user wishing to synthesize a CMSSessionConstructEvent would call createEvent with the parameter "CMSSESSIONCONSTRUCTEVENTS". The initCMSSessionEvent method could then be called on the newly created CMSSessionConstructEvent to set the specific type of CMSSessionConstructEvent to be dispatched and to set its context information.
Event. The newly created Event.
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: Raised if the implementation does not support the type of Event interface requested.