Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) Dialog Boxes > Working with Dockable Dialog Boxes
Working with Dockable Dialog Boxes
Dockable dialog boxes can be displayed standalone or be dragged into a Arbortext Editor edit window and docked on one edge of the edit window. If you drag a docked dialog box away from the edge of the edit window, the dialog box undocks. A dockable dialog box can contain all controls that are allowed in a standard dialog box except for toolbars and menubars. (<menubar> and <toolbar> elements in the file are ignored.)
The markup for a dockable dialog box is the same as that for a standard dialog box. Dockable dialog boxes are specified using the attributes enabledocking and dock of the <window> element.
enabledocking — Specifies the edges of the edit window the dialog box can dock to.
The default value of enabledocking is none. If enabledocking is none, the XUI file will be displayed as a non-dockable (standard) dialog box.
dock — Specifies the docking state of the dockable dialog box.
The default value of dock is none. The value of dock must be one of the locations specified by enabledocking. Otherwise, dock will be ignored.
The following example shows a valid pairing of attributes:
<window enabledocking="leftright" dock="left" >
Whether a dialog box is dockable or not is determined at the dialog box creation time. After a dialog box is created, the dialog box cannot change between dockable and undockable even if enabledocking is modified or the AOM enableDocking method is called.
The modal attribute in the <window> element takes precedence over the enabledocking attribute. If modal has a value of true, the XUI file will be displayed as a standard modal dialog box regardless of the value of enabledocking.