Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) Dialog Boxes > XUI Element Reference > <treenode> Element
<treenode> Element
The <treecontrol> element creates a node (branch) in a <treecontrol> list. The element can have the following child elements:
<script>, <treenode>
The <treecontrol> element has the following attributes:
appdata = CDATA
Specifies a value for later reference.
branchimage = IDREF
Specifies by reference the graphical image to be displayed for a branch in the tree. The value of branchimage matches the value of the image element id attribute specifying the desired graphic file. If not specified, the image specified by treecontrol is displayed.
checkstate = checked | unchecked | indeterminate
Default is unchecked. If checked, the item is selected. If unchecked, the item is not selected. If indeterminate, the item displays no state.
checkstyle = none | checkbox | radiobutton
Default is none. If checkbox, the tree node has a check box. If radiobutton, the tree node has a radio button. If none, the tree node has no check box or radio button.
expanded = true | false
Default is false. If true, the node is expanded to display the node's children.
extraimage = IDREF
Specifies by reference a second graphical image to be displayed for a branch or leaf in the tree. The value of extraimage matches the value of the image element id attribute specifying the desired graphic file. If not specified, the image specified by treecontrol is displayed.
id = ID
Identifies the control.
label = CDATA
Specifies the text to display within the control.
leafimage = IDREF
Specifies by reference the graphical image to be displayed for a leaf in the tree. The value of leafimage matches the value of the image element id attribute specifying the desired graphic file. If not specified, the image specified by treecontrol is displayed.
openbranchimage = IDREF
Specifies by reference the graphical image to be displayed for an open branch in the tree. The value of openbranchimage matches the value of the image element id attribute specifying the desired graphic file.
selected = true | false
Default is false. If true, selected is the currently selected node. Only one node can be selected at any time.
selectedimage = IDREF
Specifies by reference the graphical image to be displayed for a selected item in the tree. The value of selectedimage matches the value of the image element id attribute specifying the desired graphic file. If not specified, the image specified by treecontrol is displayed.
tiptext = CDATA
Specifies the text to display as context-sensitive help for this control.