Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) Dialog Boxes > XUI Element Reference > <radiogroup> Element
<radiogroup> Element
The <radiogroup> element creates a radio group control. The element can have the following child elements:
<grid>, <radio>, <script>
The <radiogroup> element has the following attributes:
align = start | center | end
Default is start. Specifies how space not used by the children is laid out. start places space below children. center evenly distributes space above and below children. end places space above children.
backgroundcolor = CDATA
Specifies the color to use in drawing the control's background. Values can be the standard HTML named colors plus the Arbortext colors gray1, gray2, gray3, gray4, gray5. Colors can also be a string of a # followed by three two-digit hexadecimal numbers specifying the red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity values defining a color.
childrensize = vary | equalwidth | equalheight | equal
Specifies whether the children of this control will have the same height and width as each other. Default is vary. If vary, the height and width of the children will not be restricted. If equalwidth, the width of the children will be the same as that of the widest child. If equalheight, the height of the children will be the same as that of the tallest child. If equal, the width of the children will be the same as that of the widest child and the height of the children will be the same as that of the tallest child..
disabled = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control ignores all user interface events directed toward the control.
foregroundcolor = CDATA
Specifies the color to use in drawing the control's foreground. Values can be the standard HTML named colors plus the Arbortext colors gray1, gray2, gray3, gray4, gray5. Colors can also be a string of a # followed by three two-digit hexadecimal numbers specifying the red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity values defining a color.
height = CDATA
Number specifying the height in pixels to allocate for this control.
hidden = true | false
Default is false. If true, the space for the control is allocated, but the control itself is not displayed.
id = ID
Identifies the control.
label = CDATA
Specifies the text to display next to the control.
orient = vertical | horizontal
Default is horizontal. Specifies the layout for the container children.
pack = start | center | end | spread | stretch
Default is spread. Specifies how space not used by the children is laid out. start places space after children. center evenly distributes space before and after children. end places space before children. spread evenly distributes space before, between, and after children. stretch evenly distributes space between children, with no space before or after children.
resize = none | both | height | width | natural
Default is natural. If width, the control allows horizontal resizing only. If height, the control allows vertical resizing only. If both, the control allows resizing in both directions. If none, the control doesn't resize in either direction. If natural, the control resizes if necessary depending on size changes in its children.
width = CDATA
Number specifying the width in pixels to allocate for this control.
withdraw = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control (and any children) is ignored and not displayed.