Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Customizing PDF Publishing > General Element
General Element
The <General> element controls a variety of aspects of the PDF file.
The <General> element has the following child elements:
Child elements of General
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
Optional and may be used once
The <General> element has one attribute, fixupPageSizes = yes | no. If set to yes, it reconciles differences in page size between the front and back of a sheet. The height will be the larger of the two page heights and the width will be the larger of the two page widths. The default is no.
If a page dimension is increased, the content of the page will be centered within that dimension. Page dimensions are never decreased.