Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) Dialog Boxes > XUI Element Reference > <morph> Element
<morph> Element
The <morph> element creates a control with a layout that dynamically rearranges its contents as the dialog box is resized. The element can have the following child elements:
<box>, <button>, <checkbox>, <colordropdown>, <combobox>, <description>, <grid>, <groupbox>, <label>, <listbox>, <morph>, <picturebox>, <radio>, <radiogroup>, <script>, <separator>, <slider>, <spacer>, <spinner>, <tabbox>, <tablecontrol>, <textbox>, <treecontrol>, <unitdimensionbox>
The <morph> element has the following attributes:
columns = CDATA
Specifies the number of columns.
disabled = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control ignores all user interface events directed toward the control.
gridfitheight = CDATA
If the control height in pixels is less than or equal to gridfitheight, then the control has a grid layout. If the control height in pixels is greater than gridfitheight, then the control has a tabbox layout.
gridfitwidth = CDATA
If the control width in pixels is less than or equal to gridfitwidth, then the control has a grid layout. If the control width in pixels is greater than gridfitwidth, then the control has a tabbox layout.
height = CDATA
Number specifying the height in pixels to allocate for this control.
hidden = true | false
Default is false. If true, the space for the control is allocated, but the control itself is not displayed.
id = ID
Identifies the control.
resize = none | both | height | width | natural
Default is natural. If width, the control allows horizontal resizing only. If height, the control allows vertical resizing only. If both, the control allows resizing in both directions. If none, the control doesn't resize in either direction. If natural, the control resizes if necessary depending on size changes in its children.
width = CDATA
Number specifying the width in pixels to allocate for this control.
withdraw = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control (and any children) is ignored and not displayed.