Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) Dialog Boxes > XUI Element Reference > <datetime> Element
<datetime> Element
The <datetime> element used to select a date using the Windows month calendar control. <datetime> displays the selected date and a down arrow. Clicking on the down arrow displays the calender from which the user can select a particular date.
The <datetime> element has the following attributes:
disabled = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control ignores all user interface events directed toward the control.
ev:defaultAction = cancel | perform
Specifies if, after processing of all listeners for the event at the current element, the default action for the event (if any) should be performed or not. If cancel, the default action is cancelled (if the event type can be cancelled). If perform, the default action is performed.
ev:event = CDATA
The event type for which the listener is being registered. The value must be an XML Name. For information on working with events, refer to Specifying Event Listeners.
ev:handler = CDATA
Specifies the URI of an element that defines the action that should be performed if the event reaches the observer. If ev:handler is not supplied, the handler is the element that the event attribute is on.
ev:observer = ID
Identifies the element with which the event listener is to be registered. If ev:observer is not supplied, the observer is the element that the event attribute is on.
ev:phrase = capture | default
Specifies when the listener will be activated by the desired event. If default, the listener is activated during bubbling or target phase. If capture the listener is activated during the capturing phase.
ev:propagate = stop | continue
Specifies whether after processing all listeners at the current node, the event is allowed to continue on its path (either in the capture or the bubble phase). If stop, event propogation stops. If continue, event propagation continues.
ev:target = ID
Identifies the target element of the event (that is, the node that caused the event). If ev:target is supplied, only events that match both the event and target attributes will be processed by the associated event handler.
height = CDATA
Number specifying the height in pixels to allocate for this control.
hidden = true | false
Default is false. If true, the space for the control is allocated, but the control itself is not displayed.
id = ID
Identifies the control.
resize = none | both | height | width | natural
Default is natural. If width, the control allows horizontal resizing only. If height, the control allows vertical resizing only. If both, the control allows resizing in both directions. If none, the control doesn't resize in either direction. If natural, the control allows horizontal resizing.
tiptext = CDATA
Specifies the text to display as context-sensitive help for this control.
value = CDATA
Specifies the default value of the control. This value is the number of seconds since the epoch (00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970). When a user selects a date from the calendar, the value is set to the first second of that day (for the specific time zone and any daylight savings time in effect of the workstation being used).
width = CDATA
Number specifying the width in pixels to allocate for this control.
withdraw = true | false
Default is false. If true, the control (and any children) is ignored and not displayed.