Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set isoviewdownloaduri
set isoviewdownloaduri
set isoviewdownloaduri=uri
This command specifies a uri where the Arbortext IsoView web installer is located. The uri parameter contains a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) value.
Arbortext Editor writes the specified uri location to a generated HTML file when an intelligent graphic is published in the HTML file. This enables Internet Explorer to install Arbortext IsoView when the HTML file is displayed in the browser. Arbortext IsoView enables users to interact with the intelligent graphics in the HTML file.
If isoviewdownloaduri is not set or contains an empty value, you can still view intelligent graphics in a published HTML file. To support viewing intelligent graphics, Arbortext IsoView must already be installed on the workstation where Internet Explorer is running.
Refer to the Arbortext IsoView documentation for more information about Arbortext IsoView.
set isoviewdownloaduri=
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