Langage des commandes Arbortext > Repository API > import_graphic_folder
import_graphic_folder(srcFolder[, cmsFolder[, descend]])
This function imports all of the graphics stored in a specified file system directory into the connected document repository.
The srcFolder parameter is the file system path to the directory containing the graphics to be imported. This parameter is required for batch session, but is optional for interactive sessions. If an interactive call does not provide a value for this parameter, a browse dialog box is invoked.
The optional cmsFolder parameter is the repository path to the location in which the imported graphic objects should be stored. If a no value is provided for this parameter, the following locations are searched and the first valid location is used:
The current folder location in the repository Browser.
The default location for new graphic objects in the system-wide burst configuration file
The current user's repository home directory
The optional descend parameter indicates whether subdirectories in the srcFolder should be recursively processed. The default is 0, which disables subdirectory processing. Set the value of this parameter to 1 to enable subdirectory processing.
The function returns 1 if all located graphic objects are successfully imported into the repository or 0 if an error occurs. Processing stops when an error occurs, but any graphic objects that were imported prior to the error are saved in the repository.