Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set pastenamespaceattrs
set pastenamespaceattrs
set pastenamespaceattrs= { on | off}
This option controls whether necessary namespace attributes are added when certain clipboard functions are performed. For example, consider the following document fragment:
<parent xmlns:ns="">
If a user copies the child element (<ns:child>text</ns:child>) and pastes that somewhere in the document (or any other Arbortext Editor document that has not declared the ns prefix), the resulting pasted fragment will have the namespace attributes automatically added, resulting in the following:
<ns:child xmlns:ns="">text</ns:child>
The namespace attributes would not be added automatically if the same fragment was:
Placed into a named paste buffer.
Pasted into another application.
In you want the namespace attributes to be automatically added in these cases, you must set the option pastenamespaceattrs to on. The default is off.
Related Topics
XML namespaces