Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set preservereferencepaths
set preservereferencepaths
set preservereferencepaths= { on | off}
This option determines whether full file paths in the DITA reference attribute (usually the href attribute) are converted to relative paths during either an update references operation or the first save of a new DITA document. Set this option to on to preserve full reference paths and to off to convert full reference paths to relative paths. The default is off. This option has global scope.
Paths are only converted for file paths if a relative path can be determined from the current base URI, the DITA document directory, and any folders included in the DITA references path and graphics path. Paths are never converted for content management system (CMS) Logical IDs. Paths are also never converted for DITA references where the scope attribute is set to external or peer.
Related Topics
set ditapath command
set graphicspath command