Langage des commandes Arbortext > Using the Arbortext Command Language > ACL Coding for Better Generated Text Performance
ACL Coding for Better Generated Text Performance
For a series of complex editing operations the ACL developer should consider temporarily disabling generated text updates before performing the operations and then restoring the previous generated text state when finished. This will maximize performance if gentext is set to on and gentextautoupdate is set to something other than none, as the gentext will only be updated once when all editing operations are complete, instead of incrementally after each edit.
function complex_edit() {
local previous_gentext_state = option('gentextautoupdate');
set gentextautoupdate=none;
[...two or more really complex editing functions here...]
set gentextautoupdate=$previous_gentext_state;}
Turning off screen updates with doc_update_display(doc, 0) will also disable generated text processing.