Langage des commandes Arbortext > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > oid_detail
oid_detail (oid, flag)
This function can expand or collapse an element in the Edit window. The element is specified by oid.
If flag is 1, the content of the element specified by oid is replaced by a plus sign (+) enclosed in a box in the Edit window (in other words, the element is collapsed). If flag is 0, the element is expanded. Note that this function does nothing when the specified oid is a division heading element and the current window is the Edit window.
As shown below, the element containing the oid (the caret in this case) will be collapsed.
oid_detail(oid_caret(), 1)
Use 0 instead of 1 to expand detailing.
The oid_expose function can also be used if the Edit window is synchronized with the Document Map window.
Related Topics
oid_detailed function
oid_expose function