Langage des commandes Arbortext > Repository API > getfile
getfile(poid, opts, rendition, ud)
This callback corresponds to the sess_get_file function and retrieves an object (usually a graphic object) from the document repository. This callback can be used to override the rendition of the file that is retrieved.
poid — the logical ID for the repository object
opts — an integer value representing the desired operation
The following opts values are available:
1 indicates a request to read the contents
2 indicates a request to write to the contents
rendition — the desired rendition of a graphic object; value must match one of the notations declared in your data model
ud — user defined information; strings must match the adapter encoding
The getfile callback returns the following string:
"IO_ERR_NOMORE" — the normal getfile routine should be performed
If any other string is returned, the callback succeeded and the returned string represents the name of the local file that was created. The normal getfile function should not be performed.
Related Topics
Repository API callback functions