Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set writeentdecls
set writeentdecls
set writeentdecls= { rootallchildall | rootallchildref | rootallchildnone | roottreerefchildref | roottreerefchildnone | rootrefchildref}
This option controls which entity declarations are written in the subsets of the root document and its children when these are written by either the save or write commands. (Children include file entities and embedded objects. When the documentation below refers to file entities, the discussion applies to embedded objects as well.)
Generally, this option should be used consistently within an application. It may not be desirable for individuals to have their own settings, or for this to be frequently changed, though some settings have value when used temporarily for clean up purposes.
If it is desired that an entity declaration in the internal subset be preserved when there are no references to that entity anywhere in the document instance, including the internal subset itself (for instance, a parameter entity only referenced from the external subset of the DTD), then writeentdecls must be set to one of the three rootall values.
The following table summarizes the choices. More detailed explanations follow the table.
All entity declarations of the document tree should be written in the root document's subset, and in the subset of all children of the document tree.
All entity declarations of the document tree should be written in the root document's subset, and only declarations referenced immediately within a child will be written to a child's subset.
This option is the default.
All entity declarations of the document tree should be written in the root document's subset only. Children will be saved without any entity declarations.
The root document's subset will be written to include declarations for all entities referenced anywhere in the document tree. Childrens' subsets will be written to include only declarations referenced immediately within the child.
The root document's subset will be written to include declarations for all entities referenced anywhere in the document tree. Children will be saved without any entity declarations.
All files (objects) of the document tree will be written with only the declarations referenced immediately within that file (object).
If you are changing your site from using one of these modes to another, it is recommended that you load all documents and force the writing of all the entities of the document, before continuing with editing. To simplify this process, use the ACL alias save_all_docs. It will cause the root document and all recursively referenced file entities to be saved, whether or not the document/entity is marked as modified.