Langage des commandes Arbortext > Using the Arbortext Command Language > Storing a Buffer from One Session to the Next
Storing a Buffer from One Session to the Next
To save the contents of the named paste buffers from the current session for use in future editing sessions, use the save_buffers command or options on the write command: -paste or -bufferbuffername. Otherwise, named paste buffers created during an editing session are removed when you exit Arbortext Editor.
The save_buffers command creates a buffername .apb file for each named buffer and puts these files in the specified directory. By default, the files are placed in the directory containing the document.
In this example, you created the named buffers pl and warningtext in this editing session and you want to save them for future use. At the command line, enter: save_buffers. This creates the files pl.apb and warningtext.apb in the user directory.
As another example, you want to save named paste buffers for a specific document type in a separate directory called nambufs. At the command line, enter:
save_buffers nambufs