Langage des commandes Arbortext > Repository API > burst_multiple
burst_multiple (filepath[, logfile[, flags]])
This function opens each file specified by filepath individually, bursts them according to the current bursting configuration, and stores the resulting document objects to the connected document repository. The filepath can include wildcard characters.
If your burst configuration is set to automatically burst existing file entity references, your filepath should exclude file entities; they will be burst when the parent document is burst.
The optional logfile parameter specifies where bursting information will be written. If this parameter is not provided, the log information is written to the directory specified by the TMPDIR environment variable in a file called burst NN.log, where NN is a number. If the TMPDIR environment variable is not set, the function attempts to write the logging information to the c:\temp directory on Windows or the /tmp directory on UNIX.
The optional flags parameter specifies overrides to default bursting options. If omitted, the function uses the default bursting options. The flags parameter can use the following bits:
0x0001 — enable full text indexing on the top most object
0x0002 — import file entities
0x0004 — don't import file entities
0x0008 — import graphic files
0x0010 — don't import graphic files
0x0020 — burst on element boundaries
0x0040 — don't burst on element boundaries
0x0080 — use the filename for the topmost object name
0x0100 — don't use the filename for the topmost object name
0x1000 — use location rules for child objects even when useroverride="on" in the burst configuration file
The negative settings override session defaults.
A session must be established with the repository before you can use this function.
Related Topics
dobj_burst function
sess_doc_burst function