Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set tableuiextensions
set tableuiextensions
set tableuiextensions= { on | off}
Several forms of table formatting are saved in the document as processing instructions. These processing instructions are not necessarily portable to other authoring and publishing tools. The tableuiextensions option controls whether the user interface will allow an author to apply table formatting that is saved as a processing instruction.
When this option is set to on (the default), all table formatting is available. When set to off, several pieces of the user interface become disabled:
The Style, Color, and Width options are not available on the Modify Borders dialog box.
The Modify Font dialog box is not available from within the Cell tab of the Table Properties dialog box.
For OASIS Exchange tables, the Table tab of the Table Properties dialog box is not available.
The Published Output option does not appear on the Row tab of the Table Properties dialog box.
For OASIS Exchange and Arbortext tables, you cannot specify a Shading option.
For OASIS Exchange tables, you cannot modify the Row Height on the Row tab of the Table Properties dialog box. Similarly, you cannot drag the row height markers on the Row Tool.
For HTML tables, you cannot modify individual cell rules in the Modify Borders dialog box.
Note that this command controls the ability to make future changes to table formatting. It will not eliminate existing processing instructions previously added to support formatting changes.
Related Topics
Modifying columns, rows, and cells
Adjusting row height
Changing the table width
Modifying cell font
Breaking the table across pages
Shading cells