Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set rtfpreview
set rtfpreview
set rtfpreview= { on | off}
This option controls whether the resulting RTF document is displayed following a Publish to RTF action instigated by the File > Publish > RTF File menu option. When this option is set to on, Arbortext Editor will display the resulting RTF file in Word (or WordPad if MS Word is not installed). If you set the preference to off, the Publish to RTF dialog box will show the View RTF option unchecked. If you subsequently check the option in the dialog, the RTF document will be displayed automatically following the publish, but because you have specifically set the option to off in your preferences, the value will be unchecked each time the dialog box is opened. When the rtfpreview option is set to off, Arbortext Editor will make no attempt to display the RTF file, which is important if there is no applicable RTF reader available.