Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set modifyattrsdeleteempty
set modifyattrsdeleteempty
set modifyattrsdeleteempty= { on | off}
This option determines whether a CDATA attribute is deleted from a tag when you delete the last character of the attribute’s value in the Modify Attributes dialog box. The default is on meaning to delete the attribute in this case. When set to off, deleting the last character of a CDATA attribute in the Modify Attributes dialog box results in the attribute value being set to an empty string. In this case, the value (empty string) appears for the attribute value in the Modify Attributes dialog box.
This option has global scope. It corresponds to the Allow Empty String Attribute Values option in the Edit category of the Preferences dialog box.
Related Topics
Modify Attributes dialog box
Edit preferences