Langage des commandes Arbortext > Commands > compile_doctype
compile_doctype [ -nowarn] [ -noprompt] [[ -catpath] [cat-path]] [' [-log] [log-path]] [[ -dcl] [dcl-path]] [[ -pubid] [public-id]] [[ -toptag] [top-tag]] [[doctypeDir] | dtdPath] [[ -xml] | -xml]
The compile_doctype alias compiles the document type specified by the directory doctypeDir or the DTD file path dtdPath. If no parameters are specified, the Compile Document Type dialog box displays. This command is not supported for the compact installation of Arbortext Editor.
The -nowarn option ignores all warnings encountered during the compilation. By default, all errors and warnings are displayed in a message window.
The -noprompt option prevents display of the dialog box prompting the user to confirm all compilation parameters
The -catpath 'cat-path' option allows the user to specify the catalog path to use for the compilation. The path entered must be enclosed in single quotes (for example, 'cat-path'). If you enter multiple directories in the path, separate each directory with a semicolon (;). By default, the value of option('catalogpath') is used.
You can display the current catalog path by typing eval option(catalogpath) on the Arbortext Editor command line.
The -loglog-path option allows users to specify a file path to redirect all messages, errors, and warnings generated during document type compilation. By default, the Arbortext Editor will display messages in the message window.
The -dcldcl-path option specifies the path to the SGML Declaration for SGML document types. If you do not specify a path, Arbortext Editor will use the appropriate default. You do not need to specify a -dcldcl-path if you are compiling XML document types. In Arbortext Editor, XML documents are compiled using predefined SGML Declaration values for XML.
The -pubid 'public-id' option specifies the public ID to use to lookup using the catalog path the SGML Declaration to use in compiling the document type. This is used only if the -dcl option is not provided. You must enclose the ID in single quotes (') if the public-id option contains any white space.
The -toptagtop-tag option specifies the top-level element for the document type DTD that is unwrapped, (no <!DOCTYPE wrapper). If this is not provided and the document type is one of the Arbortext Editor distributed document types (for example, DocBook), then the proper top-level tag is used.
The -sgml|-xml option specifies whether the document type is SGML or XML. If this option is not specified, the value of set compilesgml command determines the type.
Related Topics
Compiling document types overview
set compilesgml