Langage des commandes Arbortext > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > tbl_obj_attr_get
[0|1] = tbl_obj_attr_get(toid, attrName, attrval)
This function places the value of table object attribute attrName for table object toid in attrval.
If toid or attrName is invalid, the function returns a zero (0). If the function executes successfully, it returns a one (1).
The toid parameter is the table object ID of the table object whose attribute value is to be retrieved. The attrName parameter is a string for the name of the attribute. Note that names are case insensitive. The attrval parameter is a variable in which the attribute value is returned. Some values are numbers, some are strings. String values are case insensitive.
Related Topics
Table object attributes
Shared table attributes
Set table attributes
Grid table attributes
Column table attributes
Row table attributes
Cell table attributes
Rule table attributes