Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set peservices
set peservices
set peservices= { on | off}
To enable the Arbortext Editor client to communicate with the Arbortext Publishing Engine, use set peservices=on and specify the URL to the Arbortext PE Request Manager using set peserverurl. Arbortext Editor retrieves information about the Arbortext Publishing Engine when Arbortext Editor starts. The returned information is stored in memory. There may be a waiting period associated with this process.
The default value is off. When set peservices is off, you can perform local publishing if your Arbortext Editor installation also has the appropriate licensing for Arbortext Styler, Print Composer, or Web/Wireless Composer.
Users can set this as a preference in Arbortext Editor. Choose the Tools > Preferences and choose Publishing Engine. Check the Use Publishing Engine option from the list. They will also need to specify the URL following the form:
You can also place the set peservices command in a custom ACL file and put the file in the chemin-Arbortext/custom/init directory.
Related Topics
set pequeuecomposition command
Using the Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents