Starting the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine
You can launch the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine as a stand-alone program or in embedded mode from the Arbortext Publishing Engine InteractiveTools menu.
• In embedded mode, the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine does not require a running Serveur Arbortext PE. The applications, by default, are executed inside Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive in a simulated Arbortext Publishing Engine environment. This mode is useful for debugging and testing Arbortext Publishing Engine applications.
• In stand-alone (server) mode, the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine requires a running Serveur Arbortext PE. The applications are invoked using HTTP and executed on the server. This mode is useful for testing a deployed application running in a true Arbortext Publishing Engine environment.
When started in stand-alone mode, the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine lets you run applications that are deployed on a running Serveur Arbortext PE. Requests are sent following HTTP protocol.
To start the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine in stand-alone (server) mode:
1. Type the e3test command and the appropriate optional arguments from within the PE_HOME\e3\bin subdirectory at a command prompt, following the form:
e3test -d dtdfile -f testfile -l logfile -s server -u useragent
The options are:
◦ -d dtdfile specifies the location of the E3Test.dtd file to use when writing test files to disk. This allows you to edit and context check the test file in Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive. If this option is omitted, a DTD is not used when writing a test file to disk.
By default, this DTD file is located at PE_HOME/doctypes/e3test/e3test.dtd.
◦ -f testfile specifies a file containing a list of tests. When this file is opened, Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine displays the Test List dialog box.
◦ -l logfile specifies either OUT to write the logging output to the terminal window or standard output (stdout) or the file to which logging output is written. If -l logfile is not specified, no logging output is produced.
◦ -s server specifies the host name and port where the Arbortext PE Request Manager monitors HTTP requests. The parameter is in the form:
For example,
If you do not specify a server, the server defaults to undefined, and you will receive an error if you try to run a test when no server is defined. However, you can specify a server within Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine in the Server Configuration dialog box by choosing > .
◦ The server specification is replaced if you load a test file that contains a server specification.
◦ -uuseragent specifies the default HTTP user-agent header that will be sent with your HTTP requests. For example, you could specify Mozilla/15.0 as the default user-agent.
You can override this default setting by specifying a user-agent within a specific test. If you do not specify a user-agent header within a test, Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine uses the setting specified by -uuseragent. If you do not specify a user-agent here or in a test, a user-agent header is not generated.
When started from Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive, the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine allows you to run applications in a simulated Arbortext Publishing Engine environment from within Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive.
To start the Utilitaire de test de PTC Arbortext Publishing Engine in embedded mode:
1. Start Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive by choosing it from its shortcut on your program group.
2. Choose > . After it opens, you can click New Test or choose > to select an existing test file.