Getting Trace Information
Arbortext Diagnostics tool is a program that displays tracing information. It tracks identification information, requests and responses, and exceptional conditions. You can launch it from the shortcut called Arbortext Publishing Engine Diagnostics in your PTC program group.
When an Sous-processus Arbortext PE starts, it launches an agent that gathers information from the Arbortext PE Request Manager and its Sous-processus Arbortext PE. The agent passes it to the Arbortext Diagnostics program which has two tabs:
• Trace Log tab displays tracing messages.
Tracing messages about the Arbortext PE Request Manager and Sous-processus Arbortext PE are relayed to Trace Log.
On the Arbortext Diagnostics menu, you can choose > to send the tracing messages to your default text editor. From the text editor, you can save the log to a file. If you are reporting a problem, you should generate and send this file with any other diagnostic information to Technical Support.
• Module List tab displays identification information about the Sous-processus Arbortext PE as well as:
◦ Host machine name and user name
◦ Status: running or busy (that is, no response in 1/10 second)
◦ Process ID of the Sous-processus Arbortext PE
◦ Build number of the Sous-processus Arbortext PE executable
◦ Full path to the binary that was executed
From the Arbortext Diagnostics window, you can choose > to set the buffer size for the trace log and remember the window's screen position when the program is restarted. You can choose > to keep the Arbortext Diagnostics window on top of other application windows. Your choices are saved to the directory where Arbortext Diagnostics started.
If Arbortext Diagnostics is not running, Trace Log information is discarded. After you start Arbortext Diagnostics, subsequent tracing information is acquired and displayed.