Installing Arbortext Publishing Engine (Installation d'Arbortext Publishing Engine) > Server Configuration > Installing and Integrating Tomcat > Configuring Publishing Engine Post Installation
Configuring Publishing Engine Post Installation
As of version 8.5-45 and later, the Tomcat server runs the SERVICE group as default instead of the SYSTEM group. This restricts the Arbortext Publishing Engine from successfully creating the Arbortext Editor subprocess. To enable creation of the Arbortext Editor subprocess, the SERVICE group requires permissions similar to the SYSTEM group.
Adding and Granting the Service group User Permissions
To add and grant the SERVICE group user permissions, follow these steps:
Run Dcomcnfg.exe to display the Component Services window.
1. Under Console Root, go to Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config.
2. Click No, to any DCOM Configuration warnings about recoding an Appid.
3. Right click on the Arbortext Editor entry under DCOM Config and select Properties.
4. Click Security within the Arbortext Editor properties window.
Adding Launch and Activation Permissions for SERVICE group
To add launch and activation permissions, follow these steps:
1. In the Launch and Activation Permissions window, select Customize and click Edit.
2. Click Add. Type SERVICE in the object name Edit box and click Check Names.
3. Ensure SERVICE group is highlighted and click OK. Click OK to save and close the Select Users or Groups window.
4. Ensure SERVICE group is highlighted in the Group or user names section and in the Permissions for SERVICE section ensure that Allow is checked for Local Launch and Local Activation. Click OK.
Adding Access Permissions for SERVICE group
To add access permissions, follow these steps:
1. In the Access Permissions section, select Customize and click Edit.
2. Click Add. Type SERVICE in the object name Edit box and click Check Names.
3. Ensure SERVICE group is highlighted and click OK. Click OK to save and close the Select User or Groups window.
4. Ensure SERVICE group is highlighted in the Group or user names section and in the Permissions for SERVICE group section ensure Allow is checked for Local Access and click OK.
Finalizing Permissions for SERVICE group
To finalize the permissions, follow these steps:
1. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes and close the Arbortext Editor Properties window.
2. Close the Component Services window.